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Maintaining a leather sofa requires meticulous attention. It should be cleaned every 2-3 months using a special care agent to prevent scratching from sharp tools and staining from oil, ballpoint pen, and ink. Children should not be allowed to play on the sofa, and it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. These precautions may seem tiresome, but they can extend the life of the sofa by 1-2 years.


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        以前经常提到“清刀法”,但很少详细的讲讲具体是什么,有什么优点。今天专门介绍下“清刀法”,它其实也可以称为“清刀微劈雕”,其处理方式有点像雕刻中的劈雕,但更多的是指在修光环节的处理。 …