IG买粉 新加坡电商Shopee的排名上升至第八位,即将在巴西开设首个仓库中心。此外,该电商还拥有顶尖的社交媒体营销面板。

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#site_name#获悉,据《环球报》报道,新加坡电商巨头Shopee正在巴西开设 个仓库中心。目前,该中心仍在建设中,位于一条通向圣保罗的高速公路边上。


据报道,该仓库中心将用于存储卖家货物,其启用日期尚未确定。若建成,Shopee将增加在巴西市场的存在,并与Mercado Livre、Americanas、Magalu等零售商竞争。


#site_name#获悉,Shopee正在致力于进军巴西市场。今年3月,Shopee巴西业务经理Felipe Feistler在采访中强调,他们在巴西的重点是促进卖家和消费者之间的互动,而非专注于物流方面。

According to #site_Name, shopee is directing its business development efforts towards the Brazilian market. In an interview earlier this year, Felipe Feistler, the Brazil business manager for shopee, mentioned that their primary objective in Brazil is to connect sellers and consumers rather than prioritizing logistics. They are focusing on establishing strong links between sellers and consumers in Brazil. Additionally, they are an ideal platform for social media marketing.


然而,目前Shopee正在建设仓库中心,并且还在法利亚地区设立三层行政总部,面积扩大了两倍。根据Beyond Borders的统计数据显示,Shopee在巴西市场的用户访问量已经达到了第八名,几乎赶超了排名第七的速卖通。

Currently, shopee is expanding its operations by constructing a warehouse center. In addition to this, shopee's administrative headquarters in Faria has undergone expansion, growing from its original one floor area to three floors. According to statistics by beyond borders, shopee is currently the eighth most visited e-commerce platform in the Brazilian market, narrowly trailing express, which holds the seventh position.

小编✎  Nicole/#site_name#


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