Twitter刷点粉丝 Twitter开启电商业务,推出Twitter Shops,以进军TikTok市场。同时,Twitter还为用户

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据悉,Twitter于3月10日发布了一项名为Twitter Shops的新购物功能。商家可以在其Twitter个人资料上展示最多50款商品的集合,而这些交易不像Instagram的原生Shops那样在Twitter上进行。相反地,用户需要点击商家发的推文上方的“查看商店”按钮来访问商店。随后,客户可以通过点击商品进行交易,点击后会直接跳转至商家网站,类似于TikTok的新购物功能。此功能目前免费,正在试点阶段。


On March 10, Twitter introduced a new shopping feature named Twitter Shops that enables businesses to showcase a maximum of 50 products on their profile. Contrary to Instagram's Shops, purchases are not made on Twitter. Customers have to click the "View Store" button accessible through the vendor's tweet to access their store. Once ready to buy, users can click the products and get directed to the seller's website to conclude the transaction, much like TikTok's latest shopping feature. This feature is presently in the pilot stage and does not involve any charges. Additionally, Twitter Shops offer businesses the opportunity to exhibit their offerings to a vast audience.


去年夏天,Twitter开展了一个美国电子商务试点项目,用户可以在“商店模块”中浏览商业信息。然而,每个用户只能浏览五种产品。如今,Twitter的新功能Twitter Shops允许商家上传CSV文件来提供更多的产品列表。该文件最多包含10,000种产品,包括产品的名称、描述、定价和其他详细信息。商家可以轮换展示最多50种产品。



Twitter的购物管理器是商家管理可用购物功能的入口点。其中包括Twitter Shops、Shop Module和Live Shopping功能,它们位于Twitter的Shopping Manager中。据称,Twitter的托管合作伙伴现在可以使用这个购物管理器。


Twitter Shops打算在美国与数百个品牌进行英语测试,还计划在未来招募和加入其他商家和托管合作伙伴参与测试。



Today's consumers prefer shopping on social media through visual content. Instagram has become a popular platform for shopping, with photos and videos being the preferred modes of browsing. TikTok, on the other hand, is witnessing an increasing trend of consumers shopping through videos. According to TikTok, nearly half of its users purchased products immediately after seeing them on the app, and two-thirds of them bought products that they would not have bought otherwise. Additionally, you can get 100 free Twitter likes.




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